Kindred Spirits Wellness Academy

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Healing with Clay & Essential Oils

Brego clay cast

Barb wire, one of a horse's worst enemies. I wish I did not have any of it around, and bit by bit I am eliminating everything. It takes time and money, but it is very important! I know now more than ever!

Turned Brego out in his pasture in the morning. After that we had a little thunder storm and I went to check how everything was. A big tree had fallen over the fence and brought the fence down with it, barb wire and all. My first worry was had Brego gotten out, was he injured, where was he? But he was way down at the other end, minding his own business, shuffling through the leaves for some choices pieces of grass he might have missed. So not worried about him, I called the gardener and started cutting down and chopping up the tree and fixing the fence. It was night before I was able to take Brego in. Second mistake (oh yes, the 1st mistake was not giving Brego an over all check up in the morning!) I should have done at least a quick check over his body, just as routine. But I was in a hurry (3rd mistake! a human one but no excuses, I am guilty!) and so fed him and put him to bed.

Next morning our farrier comes to do all our horses. We have them all barefoot trimmed. A few years ago I had discovered this through the tragedy of my beautiful mare Geisha and had learnt everything I now know, online, through web sites, books and 2 wonderful teachers and professional barefoot trimmers who walked me through it step by step with my mare who had severely foundered on both fores, Cheryl Henderson from and Linda Mair from . Both these women with their infinite passion, love and knowledge of the horse, guided me. With Cheryl we had the first barefoot clinic to be given in Costa Rica in 2009. I invited my Costa Rican farrier Martin , a very open and gentle man, to the clinic. He was very interested and now not only has convinced many Costa Rican ranchers to go barefoot but also has helped save a gigantic black Toro (bull) who foundered and whose feet were rotting away, through the methods he had learnt at the clinic! As I am not a young chick anymore and my back lets me know that, I have left the trimming now to Martin.

So after doing Anya, Bill & Shiloh ,he goes to get Brego and calls for me immediately. Brego is all cut up, has a chuck out of his hind leg, and one hind leg is really swollen at the fetlock. I am sick and feel awful. I hadn't checked him last night, I thought he had not even been near the fallen tree. I later go and see that there are tell tale hairs from his mane on the bare wire, he had gotten caught up in, obviously trying to get to the greener grass on the other side.

horse cuts from barb wire

I gave him first a preventive shot for tetanus. Having seen someone else's new born foal die of this, you never want to take the risk that it could happen to another horse, believe me, it is a very painful and long way of dying.

Brego swollen fetlock from barb wire

Then I rinsed down his leg with cold water for 15 minutes.

washing down with cold water hind foot injury

Cleaned the scratches and wounds. I applied Lavender Essential Oil to the cuts. This oil truly works miracles and heals so quickly, leaving almost no scars. Then I prepared some clay mixed with PanAway, an Essential Oil mix from Young Living, Lavender or Frankincense would have worked very well too. I applied this to his whole leg, then wrapped some cling wrap and then a stretchy bandage to it, not too tight.

I then gave him a few drops of Rescue Remedy from Bach Flowers in the mouth, to calm him from the shock of his wounds. He was calm and didn't seem to be in a lot of pain, and limped only a little.

I did this everyday, exact same procedure , within 1 week, it is completely healed and hardly any signs are visible. I am always so amazed at how well Clay works. Everyone should have this on hand for all types of cuts, scrapes, wounds, inflammation, abscesses and much more. I first discovered it when I rescued Brego from a very bad situation ,after he had been in a car accident with his last owner. Since this I use it a lot, for the horses, the dogs, my daughters and I. It is excellent to put in the drinking water too, though not a steel recipient, must be plastic. Cleans and protects their stomachs, great for prevention of colic. To do once a month or every 2, for 1 week, is a good idea.

Now Brego is all happy and looking as much the handsome boy as ever! he does like the extra treatment and is quite the drama Queen when he is feeling sorry for himself, he LOVES the attention!

The Soul of a Horse