Kindred Spirits Wellness Academy

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Graduation and Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

A wonderful time spent with some pretty amazing women!

Though sad to see everyone go, I look back on these last weeks with many fond memories to warm my heart. Not only did I also graduate with these young women, I am 53, to become a certified Yoga Teacher after learning so much from Corinne, but I have to also say I learnt so much from these inspiring girls. Each so different, with many dream and aspirations, all so hard working, thoughtful and caring to each other. 3 1/2 weeks of living together can sometimes pull out the worst in us after awhile. I only saw laughter, support car & love between them and all of us.

ceremonial vegan sweeties

So I would like to thank each and everyone individually for coming to us at Kindred Spirits, for having faith in us, for choosing Corinne to be their teacher and for sharing their stoires, adventures and experiences. So much laughter, alot of hard studying and practicing made it one great YTT!

new yoga teachers 1
Laurel, Johanna, Sukie & Terry graduating their YTT with teacher Corinne Aulakh

Thank you Kelly, Katherine, Rajni, Sukie, Linda, Laurel, Johanna, Petra & Corinne!

Thank you Rajni for your gift of these special handpainted jewels you made for all of us as parting gifts!

Hand painted rocks with symbols, mandalas and names from Rajni
