Kindred Spirits Wellness Academy

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Summer Solstice, A Powerful Time for Meditation

Solstice, a Total Solar Eclipse  & the New Moon! Immense transformation is in the air!

Emotions, trauma are bubbling to the surface with Cancer in a New Moon, the Solstice and a total sun eclipse.

We have come to a turning point where deep emotions are being brought to the surface.

These traumatic times have affected everyone to the core.

The world is shifting. The turning point is here!

Compassion is what is needed, a seed to be planted during this eclipse. As a celebration of Solstice, this seed will grow in the months to come as we continue our Dharma / Life’s purpose, for change and transformation in a new era of this world and all those that live upon it.

To heal and overcome, we must come from a place of acceptation of how things are right now and plant new seeds for a new world. A world of compassion and dignity for all Beings and all life. Opening our hearts to those that are hurting and lending a supporting hand or word, to heal those in need and to heal ourselves and often the best way to heal ourselves is helping those in need around us.

With a new moon in Cancer, her wisdom reminds us to take care of ourselves, so we have the power, the strength and the empathy to care for others.

For us to evolve and transform we must all deal with the shadows of our pasts, this means individually but also globally.  There is no way around it, it is happening right now. Through this transformation the energies of female and male, Yin & Yang, Shiva & Shakti will come into balance. We are at a very critical turning point in the worlds history, in our history.

No one can resist the energies and the transformation that are taking place. To resist, is to give up and stay stuck, action is to move forward and live.

It is time for each one of us to pay attention, to be responsible, as we have the ability to be responsible, to take action, as following the spiritual words of the “Gita”, we must always take action.  Karma means action and every action has a consequence, choose correct action, choose from your heart. We must all awaken to the calling, our calling, our Dharma and fight the battle wether it is inner, outward and  around us. Fight for truth, for dignity, for justice but remember always with compassion and empathy. 

Our happiness is linked with the happiness of others and for us to truly arrive at a point of global connection, to live in happiness, we must all face out deepest fears, our judgments, the way we always thoughts things were and should be and let go of prejudice and the disillusion that have been leading us for far too many years. Be strong, be courageous, as humans we have the unique possibility to expand our consciousness and realize new possibilities of creating. Now is the moment for each one to take action and create the world we want to live in.

Yogis around the world are paying special attention to this particular Tri- event on a Solstice.

Meditation on the Solstice will be very powerful. 

Take the time on June 20th to sit quietly in a place of stillness. Meditating at this unique time will truly push the reset button of your system and recalibrate your energy.

Choose a meaningful intention to uplift and guide you for the next following 6 months, until the next Winter Solstice. 

Chant the “Gayatri Mantra”  to evoke the divine light to bring illumination.

Meditating while chanting the Gayatri Mantra leads us to become aware of the inner motivating principle of the 5 elements, the 5 vital airs “vayus” in the body and the 5 sheaths “koshas” which incase the Atman, our Being, our most inner essence of who we are. Just as there are 3 basic energies that govern the human; the physical, metaphysical and psychical, the Gayatri Mantra also has 3 energies to cleanse and sublimate these elements within us and around us so that we may realize our goal in life. Reciting this mantra will protect you from harm, as you move along your path in life and illuminate your way as you go.

The best time to chant the mantra and meditate are during the “sattvic” times of the day. There are 3 qualities in everything in the world, they are Satva, Rajas and tamas, these are qualities that are of purity and harmony/sattvic, chaos, movement & passion which is rajasic and inaction, lethargic and slow which is tamasic.

The sattvic hours are from 4am to 8am and 4pm to 8pm.

When you chant, do this with gratitude in your heart, bring your awareness to your heart center and allow this energy to expand outwards.

Gayatri Mantra

Om bhur bhuvah svah

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yo nah


The eternal, earth, air, heaven

That glory, that resplendence of sun

May we contemplate the brilliance of that light

May the sun inspire our minds.

Blessings to all, 
