Kindred Spirits Wellness Academy

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Make 2023 A Living Heaven

Make 2023 A Living Heaven for All of Life

This time of year often brings you to look at the past year, all you have accomplished, the good things, what you have lost, what has changed and what you want to see changed in the next year.

Often you look at this in a very personal way, of “what I want”, which is not bad, yet it is not enough.

For this planet, our home, to continue to expand in love, compassion and forgiveness, we must all lend a hand and do our part. In a micro way and in a macro way, whatever is available. From a smile to a lonely stranger on the road, to large scale charity work.

Now, I don’t watch the news a lot. I don’t say this with pride, as I do want to know what is happening in the world, but that’s just it, I want to know what is happening in the world, not what is happening with the same political guy or scandal or repetitive self indulgent nonsense.

When I look at my Instagram feed, it is full of people who inspire me and the amazing things they do for other people, animals, the planet. Examples:

People That Inspired Us This Year!

1. Ahimsa Sanctuary MEDITATES WITH COWS

The Vale da Rainha Sanctuary, one of the safest places for animals on the planet, is located in Brazil and run by kind-hearted and generous people. The organization’s mission is to “rescue animals and bring consciousness to human animals.” Patricia Favano, the sanctuary’s spiritual leader, helps the animals heal through song and kindness, and their response is beyond incredible. Read more

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2. Sadhguru and his quest to Save the Soil

At Kindred Spirits we’ve become very inspired by Sadhguru’s initiative. We’ve come to appreciate our land even more, and now because of these learnings we can better see the progress that we have made in just six years. That will be another blog, but the documentary is very enlightening.

Ensuring that our soil is rich and fertile is key to avoiding an ecological disaster. Sadhguru explains the importance of soil revitalization and shares five methods we can use to save the soil. Read more

3. breaks that news paradigm

38 per cent of people globally now actively avoid the news. This organization is fighting the cynicism with positive news that is just as real as all the negative content that feeds the outrage machine. The people creating these headlines are real, and good hearted. We’ve been following the content all year and it lifts the doomsday curtain right off.

We believe that a solution-focused approach needs more prominence in mainstream journalism. By reporting on progress as well as problems, the media can give a fuller, more balanced view of reality. It can benefit people’s mental health and wellbeing, and crucially, it empowers people by showing that our actions matter and that change is possible. This has never been of more importance.

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- And so much more -

Choose not to follow those that fire up rage and cynicism in you, choose to follow those that are doing something inspiring, turning words into positive action. Rescuing horses, dogs, wild animals, people in need whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, innovations to make the world a better place.

My advice, don’t follow those that are negative, that believe all the wrongs in the world, the wrongs they list are always someone else’s fault, always endlessly blaming others. It sucks the energy, the life out of you. Life is to be lived. Lived with passion, joy, and compassion, and love to others.

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Sadhguru often reminds me to be responsible, that I am responsible for everything. Sounds like a lot, right?

How can I be, you be, responsible for everything? But we are, because, we are responsible for the way we respond in each given circumstance. We have this wonderful gift of free will where we can make choices, even in the worst dire situation or sadness, we have the choice in the way we respond and act upon it.

I think of this a lot. With the words I speak to others, in reaction to my crazy dingo (Blue heeler, but definitely more Dingo than dog!), to my horses’ energies. I think of it in my actions, how I respond to people and situations. When one pauses and instead of reacting, one thinks how one can respond that can make the situation better for others and oneself. There is always a choice. We ALWAYS have a choice.

I often think of how I can make life better for students, for guests, for those that come to us, seeking guidance or wanting to share their gifts. How can I make life better for horses, for animals, for the nature around us. We can always respond, we can always take action, instead of sitting on the couch complaining about the news, the world, politicians, governments and life in general, we can take action. However small, however micro, it will always have a ripple effect, upon one animal or human, then another and then another.

Everything in our lives affects others, we are not alone, like an island, we are inter connected with everything. This is what Yoga tells us, what Jesus and Buddha taught us. We have gotten so lost in our own worries, comforts, pleasures and needs, that we have forgotten to see everything as a whole, as connected.

Internet, social media is a good thing when we use it properly, to connect, reunite, share, support, be inspired, to help and be helped. But often we use it as a distraction or to feed our negative thoughts and attitudes, so that we feel we are right, it justifies our Ego.

Everything is made to go faster and faster, reels on Instagram must be short, less than 7 seconds, words must be short, because peoples attention span is so limited. Watch more, scroll more, but what are you truly experiencing? You are just wasting away the hours of your precious life. It’s your life, choose what inspires you, lifts you up, gets you going and wanting. Slow down, observe around you, become part of life, instead of separate. Watch the waves, look at the clouds, observe how animals live and interact, the joy of dogs playing, the purring of a happy contented cat, the nicker of a horse when he sees you, a butterfly flittering from flower to flower. Feel your own breath and the wonder of it, the sound of your heart beating, how your legs carry you, how your smile lights up other peoples lives, you can make such a difference by just sharing your smile, your joy for life. 

All humans, we are born, to feel and live joy, it is our right. Even in the darkest moments, humans can find that spark of joy, that light to ignite them and carry them forward. That light is in you, always with you, its there waiting for you to lift the veils of illusion, the self deprecating thoughts, the negative attitudes, judgement, fear, grief and anger.

Which brings me to this, everyone of us has the choice to make their lives a living hell or a living heaven. What do you choose?

There is so much work to be done in this world. Every little action that is done with kindness, with love, with forgiveness and compassion, brings light into the world. A smile, a kind word, a gentle touch for an abandoned animal or rescue, offering someone a meal, recycling your garbage, picking up garbage off the street, the beach, planting trees, not using chemicals in your garden, the list is wide, you don’t have to look far or make it difficult, just become aware of your responsibility to yourself, to the world and take action. And the hidden gift is that you in return feel loved, needed, connected and part of the bigger picture, part of this world, not lost and alone. The path of Karma Yoga, selfless service to other, is a beautiful path of celebration of all Life.

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Lets choose together to make it a living heaven for ourselves and those around us, for 2023!