Kindred Spirits Wellness Academy

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Trekking in Costa Rica, food for the Mind, Body and Soul

"Our task must be to free widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." Albert Einstein

Meditating Horses

It is in the deepness of the jungle and the warmth of the tropical sun, in the flamboyant red of the hibiscus flower and in the flight of a majestic red scarlet Macaw, that one can find this freedom. It is also on the back of a horse, splashing through the waves,  arms out, embracing the wind, the sky, the waves and that unique feeling of  "I am free!"

beach horse ride, Cahuita ,Costa Rica

We welcome you on this unique journey.

It is not just about trekking on a horse through the countryside, it is about opening your soul to peace & beauty, to the lull of the jungle, feeling the intense connection with nature.

Through the Mind, be guided on a meditation to reconnect with yourself through the Horse and with the Horse.

Through the Body,  invite your body to relax in Yoga movements and  in "Savasana"  Integrate breathing into your riding and you will not only feel relaxation yourself, but the Horse will relax and the connection will take place.

Meditating on Horse

Through the soul, let your Heart Chakra open as it connects with the Heart Chakra of the Horse.

"Kindred Spirits" is about helping you find that special connection with yourself, with the Horse, with the Universe, to free yourself from the daily stress, worries and toxins that enter our very core.

Cleanse your Mind through relaxation, meditation, Yoga, riding therapies, Horse Treks, hikes, snorkeling, swimming in the sea or an evening walk on the beach as the sunsets.

Cleanse your Body, from our meals prepared with Intention of taste, discovery, and revitalizing the body with organic products grown with love. Fresh home made breads, eggs from our free range & happy chickens, organic fruits & vegetables, fresh Caribbean seafood , all this combined into gourmet meals to explode in your mouth and delight the palette. For our "Sweet Tooth Extraordinaire" we have French Profiterolles, Jungle Ginger Explosion and Rasta Rum ice-creams.

Cleanse your Soul with massages in the quietness of our tropical gardens with our professional massage therapist, or a Aromatherpahy Touch Essential oil experience, letting the drops of these exquisite oils fall onto your spine and reflex points.

Combining Being with the Horse, Riding in connection with the Horse, Yoga, Meditation, Massages and food to nurture the body, your Mind, Body & Soul will reunite and you will leave feeling re energized, at ONE and FREE...

We have throughout the year different types of Treks, suited for different riding skills as well as Retreats & clinics at different times of the year.

We also prepare individual programs & Retreats fitted to suit your needs & desires. Please contact us for more information

Our on going treks are:

Tropical Dream Trek 7 Days

Wild Tropical Trek 7 Days

Caribbean Watercolours 3 Days

Soon coming!

Yoga & Riding Special Clinic  Retreat

Family Trek Retreats

