How to Cure Abscesses with French Clay, Essential Oils & Jin Shin Jyutsu
I am a firm believer in the healing power of French Clay and when combined with essential oils it is truly miraculous. I first started using it on our horses over 10 years ago for my Andalusian mare Geisha who had foundered severely on her 2 forefeet. I used it to help draw out the abscesses lying deep inside her hooves, for the bed sores and proud flesh she developed from lying so often on the ground. I then used it on our adopted Iberian stallion, a very abused horse who had been in a car accident with his ex owner. His muzzle hung off in parts around his jaw, big holes in his side and legs, these were all healed with French Clay and Lavender essential oil, not a trace or scar tissue can now be seen.
So when Shiloh developed and abscess on his neck , I once again turned to French Clay. The vet came and made a deep incision to reach the abscess within so the pus could seep out. It was then my job to open it up 2x a day, to let it run out, by pushing and squeezing, to Shiloh's extreme displeasure. He hated it! But he put up with it. I didn't really like doing it either, but it was necessary, so we both just got through it as best we could.
This is what Shiloh's abscess looked liked after it was drained the 1st day. The photos don't give it credit to the size of the abscess, looked much bigger in real life. You can see the incision that was made with a scalpel, which everyday I had to stick a plastic stick inside to keep it open, so the wound could drain.
I presented the oils to Shiloh, for him to choose himself, he agreed with me, tea tree Oil it was! I then offered him the Cow foot leaf and French Clay to smell. I believe it is very important for the horse to have a say, they instinctively know what their body needs and they can guide us in choosing the right remedy. Just present it them, so they can smell, if they turn they head away or walk away, you know they are not interested, but give them a minute, sometimes the intial potent smell of the oil will turn them away, but they will come back to it. When they start to deeply inhale the aroma, opening and closing their nostrils, you know that is the one. With the inhalation alone, the healing process begins. It goes straight into the brain via the olfactory system, altering the brain chemistry. The horse will often go into a trance-like state, head lowered, eyes flickering. If they breathe in more through the right nostril this is connected to their left side of the brain and the problem will be more physical , if they breathe more through their left nostril it will be the right brain and therefore emotionally based. This helps in diagnosing the issue.
Everyday, after squeezing everything out, I then applied 2 x a day a paste of French Clay and Tea Tree Oil (you can also use oregano oil, both natural anti viral and anti bacteria, but Tea Tree Oil is less harsh on the skin than oregano oil). French Clay is excellent for pulling and bringing out anything inside, be it infection, even an object like a piece of glass, it draws everything out as well as its healing proprieties.
This is what it looked like with the French Clay & tea Tree Oil paste and then to top it off a leaf from the local medicinal Plant Santa Maria, also known as Cow foot, this works well also to draw infection out of the body, excellent for pain and rheumatism and arthritis or any injuries causing bruising and inflammation. (if you are walking in the jungle and have a headache, grab a leaf and stick it on your forehead!)
Applying the French Clay mixed with Tea Tree Oil.
Preparation of French Clay & Tea Tree Oil: 4 tbsp of French Clay, 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil and enough water to make a thick paste.
When preparing the paste be careful not to use anything metallic, only glass or plastic jars and mixing spoons, as clay loses its beneficial electromagnetic qualities through contact with metal. Also use only organic high quality essential oils. There are many excellent ones out there on the market with different ranges of prices. I like to use oils from Kobashi sold in the UK for their quality of products and prices.
I then gave him some Jin Shin Jyutsu, a beautiful Japanese healing art to harmonize the life energy in the body and promote harmony and health. I fell in love with this Art of Healing after attending a 5 day course in the Healing Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu and have since been practicing this method in my healing sessions. Used initially for humans it has also been developed for animals by Adele Leas. Clearing blocks so that energy can flow through the body, it releases emotions and dis- ease caused by emotions. Animals are very sensitive to Energy work and in general accept it very well. Jin Shin Jyutsu is a very non invasive method and excellent for even the most sensitive of animals who resist accupressure, massage or even Reiki. Sometimes, at the first time, the horse may walk off, if unused to touch, but I have found as soon as they realize there is no pressure, they start to relax, lower their heads, yawn. They will take what they need and then at some point walk off when they have had enough. Or like Jasper, our Great Dane, lie there forever wanting more!
For Shiloh, I chose the General Energy Revitalizing Flow/Spleen Flow. This helps all immune issues, is a total body energizer, skin surface healer and builds the immune system.
I always like to start the session with the Initial Centering Safety Energy Locks, to connect with the horse. The hands are on the same placement as the horses Heart Chakras, one hand on the withers and the other between the forelegs. Breathe deeply, releasing energy as you breathe down your front, exhaling and then breathe in the life force energy up through your spine to the top of your head. Watch for signs of relaxation from your horse. When you feel they are relaxed and you feel connected with them, begin the Flow you have chosen. For Shiloh it was the Spleen Flow, to build up his Immune system to fight the infection.
So after the Initial Centering Safety Flow I began the Spleen Flow which has 4 steps of different hand positions. This is the sequence here below in photos.
Left hand on croup, top of tail joint, right hand on inside of hock. Stay here for several minutes, breathing rhythmically, feel peace and love in your heart. If the horse moves a little, move with the horse and why he settles start again. For new comers to this Healing Art, humans & horses alike, give yourself both time to adjust to this new feeling. Relax and Be in the moment. As you become more adept, you will feel when the energy is flowing easily between the 2 points, can sometimes be felt as a little buzz, or electric feeling or just a tiny vibration or pulse where your are holding your hands. Then move on to the next position.
Second position; right hand is now on the croup and the left hand goes to a place just behind where the rib cage ends. Again breathe, release tension, yawn if you feel like it, relax the shoulders, smile :)
Third position; Right hand where left hand was previously, just behind the rib cage and left hand on Heart Chakra just behind the forearm and in between the legs. Pause here for several moments, breathing gently, letting the life force flow.
Last position, the right hand stays in the same place and you move the left hand to the shoulder area. The whole flow can take from 5 minutes to half an hour. At first you might find it hard to judge, but trust your intuition and trust your horse, if he starts to move, becomes fidgety, walks away, move to the next position. Also don't worry, if there is a pause in between and you haven't your hands on him, you can at anytime, retake the position and continue, the energies continue to flow and work, you don't have to begin from the start, just from where you left off.
When the infection was completely gone, I then changed to adding Lavender oil instead of the Tea Tree oil. Lavender is wonderful as an anti inflammatory and also healing scar tissue.
End result! All gone! After 10 days.
The grey part is just a little of the left over clay we hadn't completely washed off.
French Clay and other different types of clays have wonderful healing proprieties. I also add it to their drinking water, to cleanse the stomach and intestinal track. Excellent good prevention for colic, parasites and bacterial infection. For 1 bucket add few tbsps, for a big water tank 1/2 - 1cup. But remember nothing in metal. Then just continue to add water as you need during the day and day ahead, without changing the water.
I love to use and bring together different healing methods and natural remedies. My big favourites being French Clay, Essential Oils, Flower Essences, medicinal herbs combined with Jin Shin Jyutsu. For the horses, the dogs, the cats, my family, friends, guests and clients.
But I also think allopathic/Western medicine has its time in place and often necessary for acute issues, surgery and such. Depending on the cases and needs I will turn to one or the other or both combined. Always have and call upon a veterinarian you respect and trust who has a passion for animals and their job, preferably one that is open to alternative healing methods, many do now and incorporate both into their practice. While waiting for the vet, you can use different essential oils and Flower Essences to calm the animal and begin the healing process(also the human who is waiting for the doctor or on their way to see one!) We are fortunate to have so many different methods for healing the body, mind and soul in our loved ones be they human or animal.
Enjoy life, breathe the life force into everything you do, let it surround you and fill you with love & health, this is the foundation for all healing to begin.
Santa Maria/ Cow's Foot Medicinal Plant for pain & inflammation; apply as a compress externally.