Don't Look Back in Anger; How to live in Hope
Dixon & Terry: together
Everyday I am reminded of little and big miracles, that give me hope and keep me sane in a world that seems to be going mad.
In the current state of affairs, with the horrors and tragedies we watch on the news, the frustration of being unable to change the course of things, we can get lost in negativity. So easy to see the world as lost, life as unfair and harsh.
But then I see, also on the news, so many people throughout the world, full of love and forgiveness, with a passion and creativity to go beyond what is possible. This is how humans have survived, not from the conquering, the destroying, but from the will to live and be happy, we never give up, we are truly quite tenacious, and we do all want the same thing, in the end. To be safe, to be loved, to be happy. Each and every one of us. We’re in this together, and its time that we all see it this way.
Terry & Alice sharing a moment as One.
Its not as separate humans, separate countries and separate cultures that we will survive, but together and together we will, in the end.
If you take the time to look around on Internet, tv shows and documents, in your communities, you will see some pretty amazing people doing the impossible to make life possible for others.
After the terrible act of violence and hate in Manchester, the families, the community, people, responded back with love and forgiveness, refusing that hate and revenge rule their lives. Their strength, their love truly shows what we as human beings are also capable of.
From one man fighting child slavery in the chocolate production farms, to a little boy who made it his mission to save elephants that were being brutally mistreated, so many stories unnoticed of what we as humans are also capable of.
A few years ago, I met a little girl of 12 years old with her mother. They came to do a one week horse trek retreat with us. They had previously lived a short while in an Asian country. This girl, at the time was, I believe, 10 years old. She saw the poverty in the local schools where they did not have even pencils, papers the basics, clothes etc. When they returned to Canada she organized in her school and through Facebook, donations of equipment and clothes to send back to these communities. It became a very big deal and helped many and it all started with a 10 year old little girl.
Alice & Greet in gratitude
So what can you do to make a difference? Anything, anything at all however small it may first seem, that tiny ripple can become a tidal wave of hope and happiness for many.
Start your day with seeing the hope and light of what others are doing, inventing,creating. See the light, that your glass be half full, not half empty. Be a little ray of sun that can light up just one person’s day. A kind word, a smile, acknowledge that that hungry homeless person, refugee, drunk, drug addict is also a human being and also needs and is searching for the same thing as you in then end. Love, security and happiness.
Don’t let the words of people filled with ego, hate, corruption contaminate your soul. Look to the ones that fill you with hope and light, let them be your inspiration to make this world a better place for ALL. There are so many beautiful Beings out there giving and creating for a positive future, we can all be one of them, just by our words and our acts.
S don’t let the negative get you down, look to what is positive, to all the possibilities there are, to all the windows and doors we can open. Be courageous and full of hope. It is not what happens to us that makes the difference, but what we do with it.
Alice, Terry & Greet the power of 3 creating positive energy.
Buddha “If you knew about the power of giving you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”