Whispering to the Divine: What Is Horse-Guided Metaphysical Healing?

Isha in Terry, in meditation.

Have you been hearing about energy healing lately?

Perhaps you've even come across the term "Metaphysical Energy Healing" and wondered what it is and how it works. Maybe you've experienced an energy healing session yourself and felt its transformative effects, leaving you curious to understand more about this practice.

Metaphysical Energy Healing focuses on balancing and harmonizing the energy fields of the body, mind, and spirit. Energy flows through all living things and disruptions or imbalances in this flow can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual issues.

Healers use many techniques, like meditation, visualization, and energy manipulation, to address these imbalances and facilitate healing. These techniques draw on metaphysical principles. Here’s where we get into it.

Metaphysics explores the nature of reality beyond the physical realm, studying concepts like consciousness and the interconnectedness of all life.

The purpose of metaphysical energy healing is to restore your well-being and alignment, for better health, clarity, and flow in your self-realization journey.

I have been a Metaphysical Energy Healer for 14 years now, and I soon discovered the powerful presence of my horses and how they were drawn to healing so naturally. I have many stories I could share about how the experience of being with our horses has changed and transformed people's lives, and I have related some of these stories in past blogs (might be time for a book?). Their gentle energy, powerful yet quiet, is potent, and they know to go exactly where it is needed. How can this be?

You might be wondering, "Well, it's one thing for a human to give a session, but how does a horse even do this?"

So lets delve into this mysterious world of energy.

Energy is frequency, vibrations that move through, in and around every living being and every object that you see, touch and hear. All is energy, the planet is energy, the whole universe and all other universes are all made up of energy. There are different types of energy, frequencies and vibrations within everything and they can be affected by everything. By your surroundings, your family, community, friends, partners, by other’s judgements, by what you watch on the news to what you tell yourself and every thought you have. It is always shifting by lowering or raising your vibrations.

Your vibrations within you can lower and begin to build up and get stuck in certain places of your energetic body, which carries the life force energy also known as Prana in India, Chi in China, Qi in Japan, the Holy Spirit in the western world, through you. Just like arteries and veins carry our blood, there are channels within us that carry this life force energy. These channels are called Meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Nadis in Indian Vedic traditions. When the life force energy leaves us, our physical body is released and dies, while our spirit moves on. No life force energy means no life within the physical body. This is known in all ancient cultures under different names and aspects, up to our more modern religions where it is called the Holy Spirit, when God blew the first breath into the human body and the body became alive.

This life force energy is what makes our body machine function. Imagine your body is the hardware of a computer and your mind and emotions are the software, but if you don’t plug your computer into an energy electric outlet , it cannot work. The same with our physical body of bones, muscles, flesh, blood and organs and your mind, emotions and thoughts, they cannot function if not connected to Life Force Energy. You might not be able to see Divine energy,  though healers do, but it is there, it exists, and is essential to your life.

How does this life force energy affect you? When it flows freely through your Electromagnetic field, the aura, through your Chakras and through your Nadis and meridians, your physical body is healthy and balanced, your mind is working efficiently, you have no mental illnesses, your emotions are in harmony, you feel good, energized, in alignment with the energy forces within you and all around you. You are in harmony with yourself, your True nature, your essence. When you can stay in these states of alignment for longer and longer periods of time, you begin to enter into Grace, the place of union, as the Yogis call it, where you are connected to the Divine, the divine within and around you. You begin to shift from the 3rd Dimension of all that is material, power, attachment, loss, stress, fear, pain, suffering and begin to move towards the 4th Dimension of pure unconditional love, a state where you are filled with unconditional love and compassion for all, including yourself. From there, as you continue to grow and evolve, you will enter the 5th Dimension. This is complete Self Realization, becoming your true authentic self through the energy of transformation. But more about the 5D another time.

So how do you bring your energies of your Chakras out of alignment, create blockages in the Nadis, the energy channels, which in turn bring imbalances into your physical body, causing mental disorders, physical ailments and disease?

Your body is constantly sending you messages when it is out of balance. They begin very subtly, but you don't hear or you don't pay attention and push them away, pushing through instead of being aware and doing something to change. When you do this, the messages become louder, maybe through skin allergies, food allergies, backaches, acid stomach, acid reflux, bowel issues, etc. If you don't take care of these issues and their root causes—just putting a bandaid on it with some Western medicine to cover the pain and discomfort—it will lead to more serious illnesses, and this is what you see in the world. People spending thousands of dollars on medicine to cover up their illnesses, pains, and troubles, whether physical or mental, but not treating the root cause. A system that has achieved many great things but often misses the obvious and remains stubbornly or greedily inefficient.

How does one discover the root cause and how can one treat the root cause?

First of all, it is much better to balance the energies within you when they become unbalanced before they begin to go deeper and cause more serious problems. But even when illness, physical or mental or emotional are set, you can still access the root cause through working in the subtle energetic field of the body.

In older times and often still today, TCM doctors and Ayurvedic doctors would only ask their patient to pay if they came to them sick. Its all about maintaining the body in a harmonious state so that is does not become sick. Patients regularly visit their doctors and pay them, that way the small signs of imbalance are seen and corrected before it goes deeper. But if the patient becomes sick, then the doctor sees it as his fault, he missed something, so the patient doesn’t pay.

Now you don’t see this in modern western medicine, it would be bad business.

But you can have tools that will keep your energetic body in balance before it comes to a state of disharmony and disease.

As I mentioned earlier, different reasons can cause our life force energy to become blocked or stagnant in certain areas of our body. When the life force energy cannot flow freely, this will—if not corrected—cause disharmony and disease. What are the things that can affect you and cause the life force energy within you to become stagnant?

Anything that brings your vibration into a lower frequency, anything like stress, worry, anger to negative thought patterns of self critic, judgement of others.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Japanese Art of Healing, they say that all disease in the body comes through the imbalance of 5 emotions: worry, fear, anger, grief, and pretense (being or doing something that is not in alignment with your soul's purpose).

Your vibration and energy field can be disrupted through your lifestyle, the food you eat, the company you keep, your life experiences, traumas, loss, deceptions. Every day we are surrounded by the chaos of life: what we see on social media, the news, politics, religions, war, at our work, in our family. Life is not about trying to stop all this chaos around you, but to not allow it to affect you—and if it does affect you, how you can bring yourself back into balance.

As a Metaphysical Energy healer, I work with this life force energy which affects the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, the soul, and the spirit. I work through the layers of the Self, which are the 5 Koshas—how Yogis describe these layers of the human. They are:

✹☾ Annamayakosha, the physical body.

✹☾ Manomayakosha, the mental/emotional body.

✹☾ Pranamayakosha, the subtle energy body.

✹☾ Vijnanamayakosha, the wisdom body.

✹☾ Anandamayakosha, the spiritual body.

Together with our horses, I help to shift the frequencies that have become stagnant and blocked, and help them to slowly shift and be released. We also move through these layers into deeper layers where trauma energy is trapped; it can be from this lifetime and also past lifetimes.

Healing through frequencies involves using specific sound or vibrational frequencies.

  1. Sound Therapy: Utilizing instruments like tuning forks, gongs, crystal bowls, or chimes to produce healing sounds. These sounds help realign the body's energy field and heal by resonating with the body's own frequencies.

  2. Mantra Therapy: Chanting different vibrational Sanskrit words to heal the body, mind, and soul and deepen your awareness of Self, connecting you to the wisdom of your soul.

  3. Vibrational Medicine: Working with the Divine energy transmitted from Universal energy through the hands to the areas that need help.

  4. Healing with Horses: Horses are incredibly powerful spiritual beings, always present in the moment and very sensitive to the subtle energies that surround them. They easily pick up on imbalances and have a natural gift to bring these back into a state of coherence. They do this for each other and offer this freely and lovingly to us.

Moment during Sound Healing, Shiloh and guest Ashlynn.

End of Metaphysical Healing Session with Isha.

In my work with Metaphysical Energy Healing, I work with my hands, drawing energy from the Universe as a conduit to the person or animal that I am healing. I go through the layers of the body—the chakras, nadis, meridians, auras—and into the physical body and mind where energy is not flowing freely. I intuitively see where the imbalances are and work to remove what is needed and add energy where needed. I work together with the patient, who is often involved in the healing process, working through traumas of abuse, extreme stress, grief, loss, and much more. It is about forgiving and letting go of what is no longer of use to you and is causing you either physical pain, mental turmoil, or blocking you from moving forward in your life. You can block how you receive abundance and prosperity, how you receive and give love, how you live your life in fear and lack. However, when all is in alignment and energy is moving freely, you are healthy, you live in joy and peace, you see with clarity, you are connected to your inner wisdom, and life will flow with more ease and in the direction that your soul needs it to.

The underlying principle is that restoring harmonious frequencies can help the body return to its natural state of health and balance

I also work to help horses when they need it. Metaphysical Energy Healing for horses focuses on balancing and harmonizing their subtle energy fields too. Often, horses kept in stables need a lot of emotional help, and working within their energetic field can help support them to find balance and heal. Horses that spend most of their time free in pasture with herd mates, friends, and family naturally align their own chakras when needed. But horses that are confined most of the time—in competition, trekking businesses, breeding businesses—will need a lot of help and healing.

In a typical session, I may use techniques such as energy sensing, intention-setting, and guided visualization to address disruptions in the human or horse’s energy field. This can involve gentle touch, standing in specific energy fields, or using intention to direct healing energy. I may also work with the human involved to help clear any energy blockages or emotional stress that could be affecting their relationship with the horse and vice versa.

Horses, known for their sensitivity and intuitive nature, can respond to our energy shifts, often reflecting the changes in their behavior and physical state. This holistic approach aims to promote healing and balance for both the horse and the human, enhancing their bond and supporting their mutual well-being. It can help address issues such as physical discomfort, emotional trauma, or behavioral challenges, fostering a deeper, more harmonious connection between the horse and its human companion.

Equine Aura Alignment Session.

When I work in the field of unconditional love with our horses next to me, standing under the giant Mayan Tree of Life, I am connected to the universal energy life force, to the divine within me and my patient, and to the horses that support, guide, and heal us all together.

Our horses roam freely and participate of their own accord. They hold sacred space together, creating a vibrational field where all energies begin to harmonize. The frequency that is held opens the receiver's body to resonate with their energy and begin the process of transformation and healing. This can be an emotional state, a mental attitude, or in a specific physical part of the body where energy is blocked, causing dis-ease.

Sometimes it will be one horse that stands beside the human to heal and support them; sometimes it is the collective of the herd. Just as voices harmonize when they sing together, or as several tuning forks or singing bowls begin to harmonize together when struck, so do the horses' energies begin to intermingle and harmonize with our energies, creating deep shifts.

Gently standing over you, hovering their head on a specific part of your body. It is a quiet, gentle energy, moving through the paths of least resistance, to open and create expansion within the different layers of the body, mind, and soul.

The energy of the horses, is so pure, so honest and so generous and often is enough to create powerful shifts in consciousness through the process of releasing, allowing and receiving.

The herd and I invite you to begin your journey towards well-being, health, transformation and connection to your divine consciousness.

Namaste, Terry.


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