The Spiritual Guides

  • Nahar

    Nahar is our Andalusian Aquarius king. The father of Mashal, and Shad’s true love. His ways are more mysterious and introverted, but under that is a sweetheart who loves peace, food and just hanging out. All he asks is softness, and that you love him for who he is and not for his beauty. Swimming, riding classes, archery, yoga, dressage, he does it all.

  • Yogi

    Yogi bear is our tall Andalusian, extroverted, playful and pure sweetness, his heart is radiant and he loves to run around and check things out. He's the Mr. Nice Guy of the herd, taking care of others and always ready to please. If another horse wants something, he'll just let them have it to preserve the peace.

  • Isha

    Isha is our unintentionally hilarious Aries goofball. He's always sure of what he wants and out to get it. Full of fire and strong solar plexus energy, he is also all zen and stillness when its time for yoga and meditation. Raised by two young girls in a sweet Costa Rican family, Isha trusts with an open heart.

  • Mashal

    The Arabian/Andalusian baby of Kindred Spirits, our Petit Prince, born from Nahar and Shad, on our second year on this farm in Cocles, 2017. He loves his life, and shares his parents love for peace and quiet. He has been loving getting to know humans when they are in a yogic state, he is very sensitive to any restless energy, since he has never known anything but serenity, making him quite gifted at equine healing sessions.

  • Aslëpai (Pai)

    New to Kindred Spirits, along with Isha. Pai is Enrica’s horse and has joined the herd at Kindred Spirits. Pai had a bit of an adjustment period with the herd, but now he has settled in and is shining with new found confidence and trust, he’s friends with Mashal and Yogi and volunteers to join equine yoga classes. Always affectionate and sweet.

  • Anya

    Anya is our powerful headstrong mare and herd elder. Though fierce, she can also be sweet and tender, back in her day she was one of the most reliable horses in yoga with horses, healing and riding. Unfortunately she has Cushings Disease, so she is mostly retired and doesn’t look quite her best. Now and then she still enjoys a healing chakra session. She lives happily around us with her best friend Shad.

  • Shad

    Shad is a mysterious Arabian girl, she may come across as aloof or distant, but her waters run deep and she is profoundly caring. Mashal is her son with Nahar, who she loves loyally. Like Anya, she is retired, with a blind eye and a wonky leg from an old injury, yet she assures us all she is doing fine and hobbles around peacefully. Also enjoys a healing session.

  • Shiloh, in Loving Memory

    Shiloh was one of our horse elders who had been with us since the start of our yoga with horses journey. He and Terry shared a bond for 16 years, her most healing relationship. Shiloh supported and healed many kindred spirits through the years. Always knowing who needed him the most, what he did is nothing short of incredible. To read his story click here.


A Peek of Herd Life

Our Horses Are

Trained at Liberty

There’s a lot of confusion about what liberty means online. To truly be Liberty the horse has to be free to choose, with no restraints. From gaining the horse’s trust, willingness to introducing the concept of a rider, we start everything at liberty.
To understand when the horse is saying no, understanding their language is absolutely essential, as is patience, respect and doing things on their time, not on a human imposed schedule.
The point is the process, the interspecies Maitri friendship. Goals and expectations are set aside in favor of empathy, respect and unconditional love.


Barefoot trimming honors a horse's natural biology, allowing their hooves to function as intended without the constraints of shoes. Their hooves are designed to expand and contract with each step, promoting healthy blood circulation. Shoeing restricts this natural movement, which can lead to reduced circulation, hoof deformities, and long-term damage. Barefoot horses have a stronger connection to their body and their environment.

Free to be horses

The vast majority of the time, our horses are simply being horses as a herd in their pastures. Their relationships with each other naturally put a stop to any “bad manners” a horse may arrive with. The balanced peaceful herd teaches any new horse how to be a horse again, and all their human learned bad habits will fade away with time.

Experience Their Magic

  • Equine Yoga Teacher Program

    10 Days Intensive Certification Program. Learn to share the healing ways of horses through a yogic approach.

  • Harmony with Horses

    1 or 2 Weeks, set your own pace and duration to immerse in the world of Equine Yoga Healing and Aligned Horsemanship.

  • Yoga Healing with Horses Retreat

    7 Days, all inclusive, signature retreat. Customize your experience with healing sessions to overcome trauma and move forward with passion for life.

  • Yoga Healing with Horses Petite Retreat

    Experience Equine Yoga Healing in this condensed form as an introduction to what the world of horses has to offer for your healing and self-realization journey.