Meet your host, teachers & kindred spirits

Terry L. Newton


    5 Years Hosting Clinics in Natural Horsemanship, Barefoot Trimming and Equine Therapy with International Trainers.

    Liberty Horse Trainer - 20 Years self study, practice and distance learning in Liberty Training, Herd Behaviour, Barefoot Trimming, Holistic Horse Care, Riding and Connection.

    Metaphysical Healer - International Academy of Spiritual Sciences and Metaphysics®

    Yoga Therapist - International Association of Yoga Therapists®

    Jin Shin Jyutsu® physio-philosophy Practitioner.

    11 Years Developing Equine Yoga as a holistic healing path for the human-horse bond.

    Co-Lead 20+ 200h Teacher Trainings.

    Host of the Yogi Horse Women Podcast.

    Yoga emphasis on: Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Goddess Wisdom.

  • Canadian born, and raised until the age of 12. Sailing the Mediterranean (living on the sailing boat) and living part time in France from ages 12 to 32. Moved to Costa Rica in 1995 and has lived there since.

Kindred Spirits host, Equine Yoga Pioneer & Teacher, Yoga Teacher, Metaphysical Healer, Artist, Yogi Horse Woman podcast host

From a young age, Terry's passion for horses was evident. Before having any horses of her own, she spent her early childhood volunteering at horse farms north of Toronto, dreaming of a seamless and graceful bond with horses akin to that of the Native Americans. She first got a glimpse of this when she cared for a herd of five horses at age 9, two of whom were her first pony and mare, and with them, she first experienced healing with horses. Throughout her life, she has read extensively on horses, covering every aspect from historical accounts and fiction to horse training, riding, therapy, veterinary care, and dressage.

In Costa Rica, Terry could finally immerse herself in the world of horsemanship and horse care, hosting and participating in clinics on Natural Horsemanship methods, barefoot trimming, equine coaching, and equine therapy. These experiences enriched her understanding of the human-horse relationship and introduced her to many experts who shared her passion. A pivotal moment was discovering Carolyn Resnick. Carolyn's insights into herd dynamics and the true nature and language of the herd resonated deeply with Terry, shaping her approach to understanding and communicating with horses and bringing about the kind of connection she had dreamt of as a child.

Emotionally turbulent times that led to many endings also made her focus more deeply on yoga and metaphysical healing. She realized there was a space waiting to be filled, a path yearning to be tread upon—one leading to her true self and unique purpose. Through yoga and the serene companionship of horses, she found a haven from her trauma, a sanctuary where her spirit could heal and flourish. She also discovered the monumental strength to break free from generational cycles, daring to change, create new patterns, and write her own story.

She became a certified 500h Yoga Teacher Trainer, Yoga Therapist, Metaphysical Healer, Yin Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. Combining her expertise in yoga with her knowledge of equine wisdom, Terry offers a transformative experience that integrates the ways of horses, breath, and energy systems to foster self-discovery and inner peace.

In 2013, Terry and her yoga mentor and teacher, Corinne Aulakh, hosted the first Yoga In Harmony with Horses Retreat and later developed the Equine Yoga Teacher Program.

Aligned Horsemanship was then developed by Terry and Johanna Holst for a holistic horsemanship that works in tandem with Equine Yoga, an approach that enhances the human’s spiritual bond with the horse through the path of yoga, while also making space for plenty of play and fun with horses, through Dressage in Lightness, Positive Reinforcement, and Liberty Connection Training.

Terry's teachings emphasize self-compassion and openness to change as keys to releasing trauma blockages and limiting perspectives. She believes that a safe, nurturing space filled with love and authenticity is essential for embracing change. This philosophy, combined with the powerful presence of dedicated yogis, healers, the jungle, and horses, creates a powerful conduit for self-realization and a profound connection with life and horses.

>> Terry’s Blog

>> Yogi Horse Women on YouTube

Johanna Hölst


    Liberty Horse Trainer - 20 Years self study, in person training, practice and distance learning in Dressage, Riding, Positive Re-enforcement and Mounted Archery.

    Trained at Kindred Spirits® as Equine Yoga Instructor and Healer.

    5 Years Teaching in Kindred Spirits' Equine Yoga as a holistic healing path for the human-horse bond.

    Co-Lead 20+ 200h Teacher Trainings.

    Yoga emphasis on: Ashtanga Yoga, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Tantric Goddess Wisdom.

  • Born and raised in the Swedish country side. Traveled the world and began living in Costa Rica part time in 2014, when she joined us at Kindred Spirits in Cahuita, and moved full time shortly there after.

Johanna is a 500-hour certified yoga teacher and dedicated horsewoman. In Sweden, Johanna honed her broad-ranging skills that include dressage training, mounted archery, positive re-enforcement training and writing.

With a deep-rooted respect for nature instilled by her biologist parents, she developed a thirst for experiencing the world. This led her to volunteer at horse farms worldwide until she discovered Kindred Spirits, a place where she could combine her love for yoga and horses, and begin the path of teaching.

Johanna's training began with a 200-hour certification at Kindred Spirits, followed by a 300-hour training in Rishikesh, India. These deepened her commitment to yoga, inspiring her to share the wisdom of India's Rishis and gurus. Her teaching style reflects her passion for nature and teaching, inspiring students to see yoga as more than a practice, but a way of life. Her teaching style includes Shivanandha, Hatha, Ashtanga, and Yin Yoga, offering a comprehensive approach for all levels. Johanna's classes are designed to help students achieve balance, heal physically, and feel at home in their bodies.

Yoga and horses have also lead to create her own style of mounted archery as form of empowerment that channels the ancient wisdom of the Tantric Goddesses.

Enrica Andreetto


    Trained at Kindred Spirits® as Equine Yoga Instructor and Healer.

    Trained in the MarzMethod® as an Equine Coach and Therapist.

    3 Years Instruction in 5Rhythms® movement meditation practice.

    Yoga emphasis on: Ashtanga Yoga, Pre and Post Natal Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama.

  • Born and raised in Verona, Italy. Enrica went on to pursue a succesful advertising career in Dubai. With Dubai as a home base she went on to travel the world, visiting Costa Rica in 2018 and moving here in 2021.

Enrica’s drive to find a better path in life led to quit Advertising and go on a 5 year vision quest across the globe, learning from many powerful healers and teachers. This journey first took her to Kindred Spirits, where she completed the Equine Yoga program and co-led two Yoga Teacher Trainings with Terry. Following that, she delved into Dance Therapy through the 5 Rhythms Method. Back in Dubai, she completed the Marz Method program to become an Equine Healing Coach.

With all this experience, she returned to us, this time with her husband and dog, and added her first horse, Pai, to the Kindred Spirits herd. Now in Costa Rica, she has fulfilled her vision quest and continues to teach and heal others through yoga, dance, and equine therapy.

Adriana Leiva


    Specialized and trained in Ashtanga Yoga.

    Yoga emphasis on: Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda, Bhakti Devotional Chants (Kirtan).

  • Born and raised in this exceptionally beautiful country of Costa Rica.

Born and raised in Costa Rica, she has dedicated over 20 years of her life to sharing Yoga wisdom and promoting wellbeing through bodywork and energy work. She became a certified Ayurvedic Yoga massage therapist in 2011 and continued her studies to become an Ayurvedic therapist and lifestyle consultant in 2018. With degrees in Physiotherapy and Metaphysics, Adri combines the scientific and the subtle worlds in her teachings, personal practice, and work.

Adri has spent the last 11 years as a guest teacher for yoga teacher trainings, sharing her passion for the expansive tradition of Yoga.

Her enthusiasm for devotional music and ceremonial living has led her to guide Kirtan, chant mantras, conduct cacao and love ceremonies, and introduce people to the holistic benefits of Ayurveda. While at Kindred Spirits, you can book Adri's wildly popular Abhyanga massages. During this treatment, warm oil is applied to the entire body, from scalp to soles. Abhyanga improves blood circulation, relieves pain and stiffness, and aids in de-stressing. It offers tremendous benefits for your body, mind, skin, and immune system.

Victoria Burgess

  • Reiki Healer.

    Sound Bath Healing Facilitator.

    Equine Nutritionist.

    Cacao Ceremonies and Training Programs.


    Trained at Kindred Spirits® as Equine Yoga Instructor and Healer.

  • Born and raised in England, lived many years in Spain and Australia. Vicky found her home in Costa Rica in 2021 on the Pacific, and came to Kindred Spirits and the Caribbean in 2023.

Victoria, an English-Australian horsewoman living in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, is passionate about sharing plant medicine and creating a ripple effect of healing and heart-opening experiences around the globe. She combines her work with horses and cacao, offering Ceremonial Cacao Teacher Training, crystal bowl sound baths with horses, Power Animal Meditation journeys with horses, and Shamanic Reiki.

Vici shares her beautiful sound baths with horses during our retreats and trainings. We've recently added her Cacao Teacher Trainings to our offerings, allowing you to experience both of these transformative practices.

Additionally, Vici is our go-to trek leader, you can book a riding trek in Punta Uva during any of our retreats and programs.

Alexia Kerinec

  • Born in Paris, France 1991 and raised in Costa Rica since the age of 4.

Brand & Communications Manager / Content Creator, Photography & Filming / Artist / The horses’s butler.

Lexi is Terry’s multitasking daughter in charge of everything you see online, including this. And yes, that means she’s referring to herself in the third person. I think we can stop that now… Hi! I'm the one who handles the branding, website, photography, filming, and social media. If you contact us, I'll likely be the one responding. I have a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design and started my career in Digital Advertising in international agencies in San José. However, I quickly realized that industry wasn't for me. After a few years, I returned to the Caribbean—mostly to escape a downward spiral of substance abuse and depression.

I remain here not just because Terry is my mother, but because she's an inspiration who carries an energy and story that must be shared. Our relationship could have taken a very different path if not for the healing power of yoga with horses. It might have become a broken bond, filled with resentment and wasted potential. Instead, we've both forgiven, grown, and now strive to help others break free from the mental barriers that prevent them from experiencing life's abundant beauty.

I have been the sad girl with the eating disorders, internalized hatred and ultimately paralyzing General Anxiety Disorder and also ADD, because why not. I could also give you quite a list of traumas, but that’s beside the point. Once I got help and began adopting the yogic perspective that surrounded me in this yoga school, I was able to separate my true nature from all these things that at the time seemed to be my identity, but really were just symptoms and patterns. And when I finally joined the horse herd I found the meaning of love and joy, and how to just be. I continue to look after the horses every day and provide assistance during horse activities at the farm.